“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied, “My hour has not yet come.”
John 2:4
Perfect Timing
Devotion based on John 2:4
See series: Devotions
Waiting for the perfect time is what Jesus did throughout his ministry. It didn’t make any difference what the situation was. He waited for exactly the right moment so that everything was done right and according to God’s saving plan.
Jesus said as much when he responded to his mother’s request for more wine at the wedding in Cana. The same concern for timing can also be seen when he taught, when he performed miracles, or even when he raised Lazarus from the dead. Everything was done at exactly the right time.
The same concern for the perfect timing can be seen in his decision to go to Jerusalem. When the time was right, Jesus went into the city. The timing had to be perfect to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies and rescue all people from the curse of sin.
It is Jesus’ perfect timing that provides a double comfort. The first assures that we have been rescued from the punishment deserved because of sin. Jesus went to the cross and offered his body and blood as the sacrifice God required, so we are cleansed of guilt and set free from punishment. The second comforts us every day. Every need, every prayer, and every detail of our life is under Jesus’ loving care, his watchful eye, and his perfect timing. This assures us that everything will always happen for our good and at the best possible time.
O gracious Savior, Jesus Christ, my times are in your hands. Teach me to not only turn my heart to the promises you give me in your Word but teach me also to trust that you will do everything for my good according to your perfect timing. Amen.