“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
True Significance
Devotion based on Jeremiah 1:5
See series: Devotions
We all want to matter to someone. We want affirmation and, in some way, to make a difference. Emotions tank when we feel we don’t matter, can’t do anything, and no one cares.
God came to the prophet Jeremiah with the following words: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah was given a specific task to take a challenging message to the people of his day. It would be a tough assignment, but God encouraged and equipped him for the task.
While the call is not the same, the heart of God toward Jeremiah is the same heart he exhibits toward you. Remember three things today about your value, worth, and significance. God says, “I knew you.” Even before you were born, God knew you. He knows the hairs on your head and the hurts of your heart. He knows the strength of your skills and the reality of your weaknesses. He knows the significance of your sins and still chose you to be the object of his saving love.
God says, “I appointed you.” Jeremiah was called to a specific role to bring God’s message to the nations. When we realize that God knew us and loves us, that he set us apart and called us his own, we also realize that he appoints us to be part of his larger mission to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). God has us here on earth to be part of an eternally significant task—to proclaim the saving love of Jesus to people everywhere.
So today and every day, remember true significance is knowing God knows you, that he set you apart, and that he appoints you to be part of his eternal mission of bringing Jesus to the nations.
Lord, as I search for and desire significance, help me see myself as you see me—one whom you love and have set apart and called to be part of your work. Help me today find my significance in you! Amen.