So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Luke 5:11
Be Ready
Devotion based on Luke 5:11
See series: Devotions
“Come on! It’s time to go!” It was the third time Dad called upstairs. It seemed his daughter had a hard time deciding what to take along in the car. First, it was her pillow. Next, it was her favorite baby doll. This time Dad wasn’t sure. He only heard her panic-stricken words. “Wait! We can’t leave yet!”
Dad and the rest of the family were ready to get going. It was the youngest that seemed to hold them back. Yes, she had her reasons, and they all seemed important to her. The delays, however, were going to cost them valuable time on the road.
A similar situation can happen in our walk with our Savior. Jesus says, “Follow me.” Our initial response might be: “Wait a minute!” Another might be: “Not right now, but maybe later.” We may even answer: “Just let me finish what I am doing first.”
When tempted to put off Jesus’ invitation, remember the response of the disciples in our Bible reading for today. They said they were ready, and they showed it. They saw the authority and the love Jesus revealed to them on the lake. Nothing was going to keep them from following him. When we see Jesus’ love and authority, we’ll be ready to hear and respond to Jesus’ invitation the same way they did—”they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed him.”
O gracious Lord, time after time you invite me to follow you and serve you. Remove every obstacle that would stand in my way. Give me a strong and devoted love that not only hears, but also responds to you and to your love for me. Amen.