“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7,8
Roots Uncovered
Devotion based on Jeremiah 17:7,8
See series: Devotions
In Mpumalanga, South Africa, there is a place known as the Echo Caves. The caves are fascinating enough by themselves, as they take you through a breathtaking view of stalagmites and stalactites miles under the ground. But what this area is most well-known for are the fig trees growing above the caves. As far as fig trees go, there’s nothing all that special about how they look or how the figs taste. What makes these trees unique is the part you cannot see until you go into the caves. What makes them famous are their roots.
Researchers and spelunking scientists have followed the roots of these 10-foot-tall trees deep into the Echo Caves and discovered that the roots go down about 400 feet. That’s 40 times as tall as one tree, making it the deepest known root system in the entire world. The roots that bring hydration to these trees from 400 feet underneath the earth’s surface so they can live, survive, and thrive in what is an incredibly harsh, dry climate.
It’s not only a somewhat interesting science lesson, but it’s also an illustration the Bible often uses of how we can survive an environment that isn’t always easy to live in.
Indeed, those who root themselves in God’s Word are connected with a Savior whose power over death gives us comfort and strength as we suffer through harsh seasons of loss and suffering. The consistency of our Savior’s unfailing love keeps us stable as we endure the winds of change that sometimes bring in challenges we never saw coming. The forgiveness our Savior earned for us fills us with hope, strength, and confidence as we daily battle with sin and temptation.
Remain rooted in all our Savior is, and all he so graciously did on our behalf, and he will never fail to provide all that you need to keep going.
Lord Jesus, keep me forever rooted in your gracious love for me. Amen.