A champion named Goliath . . . came out of the Philistine camp. His height was [over nine feet tall]. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels; on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels.
1 Samuel 17:4-7
Our Warrior
Devotion based on 1 Samuel 17:4-7
See series: Devotions
Could you imagine taking the field of battle that day? You would only have to face one enemy, but he was like no enemy you had ever seen. He was almost as tall as a regulation basketball hoop. He was stronger than anyone you had ever seen and could throw that weighted spear right through a brick wall, let alone a human being. All of Israel’s army looked at this giant enemy and was convinced there was no hope.
Do you have enemies like that in your life? A giant against whom you have no chance to defeat on your own? Maybe the enemy is a bottle filled with alcohol or pills. Perhaps the enemy is a website where your fingers are itching to take you on your phone. It could be that the enemy is doubt, fear, greed, or any other temptation that comes your way.
On our own, we are lost. We cannot defeat these powerful enemies by ourselves. Thankfully, we are never alone. Our Savior, Jesus, is with us, and he has already defeated an enemy even greater than Goliath. Jesus has faced off against sin, death, and the devil and has crushed them all. By his death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave, Jesus has forever defeated our enemies. And he has shared his victory with us! Forgiveness of sins and eternal life are the rewards he has earned for us all through faith in him.
Goliath was a foe like no other. Jesus is a warrior like no other! He has forever crushed the enemies we could not defeat on our own. When those strong temptations come back around, look to Jesus. Trust in him and ask him to fight for you.
Dear Jesus, thank you for defeating sin and temptation for me. Help me when I am tempted and lead me to trust in you to bring me the victory. Amen.