Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
Romans 8:5
Autopilots of Life
Devotion based on Romans 8:5
See series: Devotions
Do you feel trapped or stuck in a miserable pattern of life? Are your feelings making you feel caged? Are your sinful habits too hard to climb out of? Perhaps your autopilot is set wrong.
Often when we think of laws, we think of those rules that have been set up that we must abide by. But there is another way the word “law” is used. Think, for example, of the law of gravity. I don’t know of anyone arrested for breaking the “law” of gravity. This kind of law is an observed reality of how things work–the consistent pattern that holds true.
The pattern that holds true in the lives of people is the “law” of sinful nature. It is the autopilot that directs us to want the opposite of what God wants. But the Holy Spirit resets the autopilot of our lives. He creates in us a new heart as he leads us to trust what Jesus did by perfectly keeping God’s law for us and putting himself under the sentence of condemnation that we deserved. He became what we were to be, so we could be forever tied to what he is. When we live in trust in Christ, a new direction is set for our lives. There is no longer the slavery to the feelings and actions to the sinful nature, but rather a continued growing in Christlikeness. Keep reading and listening to the message of the Bible to keep your autopilot set right on Jesus.
Holy Spirit, overcome the autopilot of my sinful nature and create a Christlike heart in its place. Amen.