The teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest [Jesus] immediately, because they knew he had spoken this parable against them. But they were afraid of the people.
Luke 20:19
Even the Experts Can Get It Wrong
Devotion based on Luke 20:19
See series: Devotions
One of the most remarkable truths of Jesus’ story is that he was killed by religious professionals. The very people who studied, memorized, and taught the Scriptures, killed the hero of their own Bible. And it’s not because Jesus didn’t try to confront them and lead them to repentance. Even when he told the stories that were meant to get their attention, they still rejected him. The Gospel writer, Luke, says that after Jesus taught them, ‘The teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest him immediately, because they knew he had spoken this parable against them.” (Luke 20:19). Instead of listening to Jesus, they rejected him and wanted to get rid of him.
You see, sometimes, even the experts get it wrong. Sometimes the very people who are supposed to represent God end up rejecting God and cause more harm than good in his church.
The same thing can happen today. Religious leaders who are supposed to represent God might use their power and authority to harm or control their congregation. They might be more of a curse to your church than a blessing. Tragically, when this happens, many people walk away from Christianity altogether.
If you have been harmed by religious professionals, remember that Jesus was also harmed by religious professionals. If you have been burned by the selfishness of some leaders, remember Jesus, the true leader of the church, willing gave up everything to serve and rescue you. If you are considering giving up on God, remember that he has never given up on you.
Lord Jesus, lead me to build my faith on you alone, especially when human leaders fail me. Amen.