“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:55-57
The Path of Life
Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 15:55-57
See series: Devotions
A father and his two sons were driving down the road one day when a bee found its way inside the car through an open window. The younger son was terrified of bees. He was allergic and being stung was one of the worst things that could happen to him. When he saw the bee in the car, he started to panic. At once, his older brother trapped the bee between his hands. He held it there for a few moments and then opened up his hands. The bee started buzzing around again, and the younger boy again began to panic. But his older brother said, “Calm down! Don’t be afraid! The bee can’t hurt you anymore. Look at my hand.” And there, in the older brother’s hand, was the stinger.
As you and I travel down the path of life, there’s one thing that terrifies all people by nature–death. You could say we’re all allergic to death. We do whatever we can to avoid it. Yet, because of sin, death is inevitable for all of us. But just like in the story, we have a brother who travels with us. We have a brother who was willing to take the sting of death, the sins of the whole world.
Jesus took the sting of death in our place, and he died on the cross to take away all of those sins. With sins forgiven, with sins removed, death has lost its sting. Jesus says to each one of us, “Don’t be afraid. Death can’t hurt you anymore. Look at my hands, look at my feet. I’ve taken the sting of death for you!” And because of this marvelous truth, death is not a defeat but a victory! Death is now the doorway to life everlasting with Jesus. That is our Easter hope!
Resurrected Lord and Savior, thank you for taking the sting of death for us so that by faith in you we have the sure and certain hope of eternal victory in heaven. Amen.