As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.
Luke 9:51
Devotion based on Luke 9:51
See series: Devotions
Rod was getting more anxious by the moment. He began to wonder if he was ever going to reach his final destination. The miles continued to mount after he followed the designated detour. As a result, he couldn’t rid himself of the feeling, “Am I going in the right direction?”
When the time came for Jesus to go to Jerusalem, there were many detours he could have taken. The disciples certainly wanted more time with him. There were more people to be healed and helped. There was even the very real temptation for Jesus to avoid his capture and crucifixion. Jesus refused to take any of these detours, and as Luke records, “He resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Nothing could have kept him from accomplishing the work his Father set before him. There was never a doubt in his mind if he was going in the right direction.
Jesus’ refusal to even consider a detour is a cause for celebration in your life. Jesus not only came to your rescue but also walked the path you could never have walked. Because of his selfless love he now invites and makes it possible for you to walk on the path to heaven.
His path takes you past the detours of disillusionment, disobedience, and death. His path leads you safely past guilt, disappointment, and despair. Because Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem according to his Father’s will, you can now safely and confidently remain on a heavenward journey.
Certainly, your life will be filled with distractions and detours. It would be easy for you to stray. However, your Savior comes to the rescue. Not only does he bring you back to the right path, he also lovingly keeps you going in the right direction. It is because of what Jesus has done and continues to do that you can rejoice and say: “Wherever you lead, Lord, I will follow.”
Prayer: (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 439):
Lord, take my hand and lead me along life’s way;
Direct, protect, and feed me from day to day.
Without your grace and favor I go astray;
So, take my hand, O Savior, and lead the way.