I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
1 Timothy 2:1,2
Pray For Our Leaders
Devotion based on 1 Timothy 2:1,2
See series: Devotions
Most Christians think their prayer habits could use improvement. They notice that they forget to pray. Or when they do remember to pray, their minds quickly wander.
If you are someone who thinks that your prayer habits could use improvement, consider praying for a list of people one-by-one. It doesn’t matter who those people are. The famous missionary named Paul advised the person he was mentoring, a young pastor named Timothy, to pray for all people.
It doesn’t matter where you get the list of people for prayer. You might try praying for the people in your news feed. They are often in your news feed because they have some special need. Pray for the Lord to meet that need according to his will.
If you pray for the people in your news feed, you will soon run across people in authority. They need your prayers as well. What if you disagree with the decisions those people in authority are making? There is a famous bit of prayer advice for those occasions. Pray that the Lord would convert those people in authority, that they would come to know and believe in Jesus as their Savior. And if they will not be converted, pray that the Lord would restrain them.
Why would you ask the Lord to restrain anyone who does not believe in him? The answer is in our Bible verse for today. The more the Lord restrains evil, the more chance you have to live a peaceful and quiet life in godliness and holiness. As you live that life, you have the opportunity to speak words of forgiveness and love, not just in your prayers, but also to the people around you, and not just to them, but also to your leaders.
Lord God, bring everyone to know you better through Jesus Christ, the King of kings. Amen.