Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it . . . your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Luke 12:29-31
Heavenly Treasure
Devotion based on Luke 12:29-31
See series: Devotions
She’s lost everything. Left to raise her three children on her own, she often doesn’t know how she will be able to afford even basic things like food and clothes. Chronic medical conditions and unexpected emergencies left her in debt with little or no money to pay the rent.
Maybe you’ve been in her position. Maybe, even with far more, you worry. You worry about the rising cost of food, clothes, housing, and gas. You worry about paying your bills and preserving your savings.
She used to worry like that, but now she sees things differently. Three years ago, she was in a homeless shelter, and someone told her about Jesus. She learned that he left heaven to live in her place, to walk in her shoes, to fight against the temptation to worry and every other temptation she faced, and to overcome. She learned that even his closest friends and his heavenly Father abandoned him when he needed them most. For her, for you and for me, he died, giving up everything to give us everything. And then he came back to life to assure her that her worry, lack of trust in God, fears, and failures were all forgiven. He came back to life to promise that this life is not the end. Those who trust in him will live with him forever in heaven, where there is nothing to fear and no temptation to worry.
That news changed her life. She still works hard to meet the challenges she faces every day. But now, she knows that she has an eternal home waiting for her. She has a loving God caring for her. She doesn’t need to worry. Whether things are tough or life is good, she has learned to focus on God’s Word, God’s promises, and the treasure God won for her in heaven. Her focus on heavenly treasure drives out worry.
Father, forgive me for worrying. Focus my heart on the heavenly treasure your Son Jesus won for me. Help me to trust you to meet all my needs. Amen.