But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
1 Timothy 6:8
Devotion based on 1 Timothy 6:8
See series: Devotions
Many years ago, in the Far East, there was a man named Ali. Ali owned a farm, and he was content. However, one day someone told him about diamonds. Ali, therefore, started on an extensive journey in search of diamonds. He never found them. In the process he had to sell his farm to cover his expenses. So when all was said and done, Ali died a penniless and broken man.
Meanwhile, back at Ali’s old farm—the new owner of the farm was getting settled. He brought his camel to a stream on the farm for a drink. As the camel drank, the man looked into the stream and noticed a stone that reflected sunlight in a dazzling way. The man had just discovered the diamond mine of Golcanda, one of the most magnificent mines in the world.
The story reminds us of our lives as Christians. In our 21st Century society, we receive constant messages that tell us not to be content with what we already possess. Through television, radio, print, and the staggering array of social media, a massive advertising industry is at work not only to convince us to purchase a certain product; it is at work to shape our very view of life. Therefore, it should not surprise us that one of the great temptations for you and me is not to be content.
But here’s the problem. When the lack of contentment pushes us to wander away—always consuming, upgrading, and searching for the next new thing—we abandon the treasure we already possess.
Our treasure is Jesus and his gospel. His perfect life lived in our place, and his death on the cross for our sins has given us riches beyond our wildest dreams. Through his Holy Spirit, God himself is now ours, and we are his. We now possess his every promise to take care of us personally. And it is that very treasure that empowers us to display true contentment and remember the treasure we have.
Lord, forgive my lack of contentment. Refresh me in your gospel. Remind me of what I have. Amen.