If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
Luke 16:31
The Word is Enough
Devotion based on Luke 16:31
See series: Devotions
My father is a man of few words, but he is also a man of his word. As a child, I learned that when he had something to say, I had better listen and obey.
I remember once, we were on a road trip, driving across middle America. I was sandwiched between my two sisters, and I was getting on their nerves. We bickered back and forth for a while. And then dad spoke.
“That is enough!”
And that was enough. Just like that, the argument was over. The fighting stopped. Peace was restored.
Jesus once told a story about a man whose soul went to hell after he died. Not wanting his still-living brothers to suffer the same fate, he asked that a dead man whose soul was in heaven be sent to earth to warn them. The answer he received is striking.
“They have God’s Word. That is enough.”
That Word is enough. This is because the Bible tells us all we need to know. It tells us all about Jesus and what he did for us. Jesus became earthly poor so that you might become eternally rich. He took on our debt of sin, paid for our guilt with his blood, and suffered our punishment with his death. And he rose from the dead to prove that he is our salvation.
Knowing these truths, recorded in the Bible, is all you need because it proves how much God loves you. No matter what you may be facing, you can go back to the Bible and be reminded again and again. This is why you do not need something more than the Word of God. You do not need something better than the Word of God. The Word is enough.
Dear Jesus, thank you for showing me your love in your Word. Amen.