“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
1 Chronicles 29:14
Generosity Made Possible
Devotion based on 1 Chronicles 29:14
See series: Devotions
Maybe you’ve heard people say the phrase, “Who am I that God would bless me so much?” But maybe you haven’t heard anyone say the phrase, “Who am I that God would allow me to be so generous?” Yet, that is what King David says in our Bible reading for today.
God had blessed David with a prosperous kingdom and amazing wealth. The people of Israel also gained the blessings of being part of David’s rich, powerful kingdom. David and his people turned some of the wealth back over to God as they donated supplies to build him a magnificent temple in Jerusalem. David knew that the only reason he and his people could be so generous in giving for God’s temple was because God had first been generous to them.
God has also given you a generous mountain of gifts. He’s given you his undeserved love in Jesus, forgiveness and peace with him, and a home in heaven. On top of all those generous gifts, God has also blessed you with earthly gifts: food, drink, comfort, and financial resources.
Because God has been so generous to you, he has now made it possible for you to be generous in return. You now have a heart that wants to be generous toward God with your time, talents, and treasures. After all, everything you have is a gift out of his hand! All you’re really doing is giving good gifts back to the one they belonged to in the first place.
Who am I that God would be so generous to me? Who am I that God would give me the ability to be so generous to him and others? I am someone loved by my Father in heaven. That’s who I am.
Thank you, heavenly Father, for generously giving me so many spiritual and earthly blessings. Work in me a generous heart that loves giving good gifts to others. Let me give back to you with my time, talents, and treasures. Amen.