The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”
Luke 17:5,6
All It Takes Is a Little Faith
Devotion based on Luke 17:5,6
See series: Devotions
Have you ever tried doing what Jesus says here? Have you ever tried using nothing but your faith to uproot a mulberry tree and launch it into the ocean? Should be easy, right? All it takes is faith as small as a mustard seed!
If you haven’t been able to uproot a mulberry tree with your faith, what does that mean? Does that mean you don’t really have faith? If that’s the conclusion you’ve come to, don’t worry! That’s not the point Jesus is trying to make here.
Jesus is trying to show us the power of faith. He indicates that even with a little faith, great things can be done. That’s because, ultimately, it’s not our faith that does anything. It’s the one we’ve put our faith in who does the impossible.
God does the impossible. He takes away every single sin of every single person in the world through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He allows sinners like us to stand innocent in his presence. He allows us to talk directly with him in prayer. These things should not be possible for us but because of God’s love for us, they are possible.
If God found it necessary, he would allow you to uproot a mulberry tree and hurl it into the ocean. God could make that happen for you. But God probably doesn’t need you to do that. Instead, he has given you faith to be able to forgive those who sin against you, just as he forgave you. He has given you faith to persevere through difficult seasons of life and moments of great loss. He has given you faith that clings to Christ so that salvation and heaven are yours. What once sounded impossible has been made possible, through faith in the all-powerful Lord.
Lord, increase my faith. You work the impossible and so I put my trust in you. Amen.