He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
1 John 5:12
Life in Jesus
Devotion based on 1 John 5:12
See series: Devotions
The doctor walked solemnly into the hospital room. He explained to the anxious family of his unconscious patient, “All medical procedures have been employed and exhausted. There is no life left.”
Doctors offer excellent and compassionate service. But how difficult it must be for them to say helplessly and hopelessly: “There is no life left.” If only someone could grant life! Wouldn’t any doctor or patient and their family give anything and everything for life?
Death proves that there is no life anywhere else in this world of sin. But God sent his own Son to live our life perfectly for us, granting us the eternal robe of his righteousness. Jesus died our death for us on the cross and rose from the dead, triumphant over sin, death, and hell. Only in Jesus is there life, for “he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” In God’s Son, Jesus, there is life with God.
Trusting in Jesus as your Savior, this life is yours, already now, and forever. You have it. Treasure it! Live it! In Christ, you share the grand privilege of encouraging other believers with the life we have in Jesus, and in reaching out to others who do not yet know and have life, eternal life through Jesus.
God bless you this day and forever as you truly live in Jesus!
Lord Jesus, thank you for winning and giving me life. Help me to live that life and encourage others in that life today and always. Amen.