He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new.”
Revelation 21:5
Everything New
Devotion based on Revelation 21:5
See series: Devotions
Consider these lyrics: “Long ago—but not so very long ago—the world was different. Oh yes, it was.” Those words are the opening lines to a song sung by James Taylor. The song was in a major motion picture about a small town and resonated with so many people that it received a nomination for an Academy Award.
“Long ago—but not so very long ago—the world was different. Oh yes, it was.” Part of the song’s power is that it hits home for all of us who have lived long enough to see things decline with time. Perhaps we’ve seen a bustling small-town decline into empty storefronts, or we’ve observed so much of television decline into toxic waste. Perhaps we’ve lived long enough to see the decline in how people in our society treat each other.
To see things decline, wear out, break, fall apart, and fade away is a vivid reminder that we live in a sinful, fallen world. Sinful because you and I are sinners.
But sinful decline does not have the last word. Jesus does. He says, “I am making everything new.” That’s why he took our sins to the cross and rose from the dead. And because he did, he renews us with his gospel and refreshes our spirit every day. And he points us ahead to the time when the effects of sin will be gone forever, when there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. (Revelation 21:4)
We live in a world of decline. But take heart. Jesus makes everything new.
Lord Jesus, in this fallen world renew my spirit. Forgive my sin. Refresh my eagerness to live my life for you. Amen.