Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.
1 Thessalonians 3:11
Devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 3:11
See series: Devotions
The apostle Paul longed for the opportunity to return to the city of Thessalonica and be with his Christian friends. He wanted to go there in person to encourage them in their trials and strengthen their faith to help them stand firm in the face of opposition. But Satan stirred up such a fury against the followers of Jesus that it was too dangerous for Paul to revisit the congregation. As much as he desired to go, his way to them was blocked.
We have these same experiences. At times there are difficult issues and crushing concerns that greatly impact our lives. We are stymied by these events and circumstances that are beyond our ability to contend with and rise above. What kinds of things are you facing now that are blocking your way forward? What can you do?
Do what Paul did. Realizing that the situation was beyond his control, the apostle expressed a prayer to the One who controls all things. He prayed that our “God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.” Paul could not quell the persecution to open up the way for him to make his important trip, but God could. He is the almighty God who can do all things.
Whatever obstacles in life you face, pray confidently to God that he clears away the roadblocks. He is your heavenly Father who created you with his almighty power, and through the Lord Jesus, he loves you as his very own. He has removed the most difficult obstacle—the sin that blocked your way to life with him. Therefore, you can trust God to always do what is good for you so that you can go forward in life, serving him in love and living in thankfulness to him for all his great goodness.
Lord God, be my helper and strength, especially as I face difficult obstacles. Remind me of the great love that you demonstrated in my salvation. Give me the assurance that you continue to exercise your power and love for me in all circumstances. Amen.