Let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Romans 13:12
Devotion based on Romans 13:12
See series: Devotions
Walk into a museum of ancient history. Stroll through the corridors that depict how people lived many centuries ago. After you’ve done this, go to the section that features military items. When you reach the area that displays examples of armor that soldiers used to wear, find a bench and sit down. Look at that armor for a while and give it some careful attention.
Now, as you sit in that museum, do a bit of time travel. Go back 2,000 years. Watch a Roman soldier as he carefully, deliberately puts on his armor. The very presence of that armor on his body tells you that he’s getting ready for a serious day. He will be watchful, alert, ready for action. After all, one does not put on armor to lounge around the house. You put it on for battle.
Satan is forever working to convince me that there’s no urgency when it comes to my Christian faith; that there’s no urgency when it comes to my role as a soldier of the cross. In fact, little by little, Satan can even ease me into presuming that I have plenty of time to indulge in all my pet sins. I can repent and get serious later and put on my armor some other day.
But not only is this wrong and rebellious. It is playing games with the evil one and an entity with one goal: To see my soul in hell.
But Jesus, our King, knows this. He pursues you and me with a love that is relentless. He reaches out to us through the living and enduring Word of God. As he calls us to repentance, he refreshes us with the good news of the blood he shed to wash us clean. And as he does, he empowers us. He empowers us to put aside our deeds of darkness, put on the armor of light, be ready to serve our King, and serve as a soldier of the cross.
Lord Jesus, forgive my deeds of darkness. Empower me to put on the armor of light. Amen.