The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
Isaiah 11:6-8
A Judge Who Brings Peace
Devotion based on Isaiah 11:6-8
See series: Devotions
In 1361, the British Parliament passed the Justices of the Peace Act, formally establishing the office of justice of the peace. Justices of the peace had the responsibility of maintaining peace in the British sovereign’s realm. They had authority to arrest, prosecute, and punish offenders, rioters, and anyone who disturbed the peace. However, they did not have the responsibility of establishing peace in the first place. In fact, the role of the justice of the peace as a preserver of peace assumed that peace already had been established.
Jesus is far more than a justice of the peace. He is the judge who establishes peace. Wolves and lambs normally do not live together in peace. Wolves eat lambs, and lambs flee from wolves. A child playing near venomous snakes is a parent’s nightmare, not a usual occurrence. Yet, under the rule of Jesus our judge, such things do happen. There is peace where otherwise there would be none.
All of this is a picture of the greatest peace that Jesus brings, peace between God and us sinners. Apart from Jesus, there is no peace between God and us. Our sinfulness made us, by nature, perpetual rebels against God. On our own, we wanted nothing to do with any sort of peace with God. But God wanted peace with us. So, he sent his Son, Jesus to establish peace with us. Jesus, by his perfect life and innocent death on our behalf, removed the cause of hostility between God and us. He removed our sin. By doing that, he established peace where before there had been none.
Now we, who once were at war with God, are at peace with him through Jesus, our judge who brings peace. Continue trusting in Jesus, and you will enjoy his peace forever.
Dear Jesus, thank you for establishing peace between God and me. Amen.