Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land.
Zephaniah 2:3
Devotion based on Zephaniah 2:3
See series: Devotions
Want to know some of the top internet searches from 2022? Under the category of TV shows, top searches included the Star Wars series, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the modern western series, Yellowstone, and the science fiction series, Stranger Things. Under movies, top searches included Jurassic World Dominion, The Batman, and Top Gun: Maverick. Finally, in the overall category for top searches of 2022 included items such as Powerball numbers, election results, and Queen Elizabeth.
When you take even a moment to consider what is at our fingertips to read, watch, research, and study—the prospect is staggering. Think about it: any contemporary figure, movie, event in history, scientific discovery, definition, culture, newsworthy headline, how-to video, book discussion, or speculation about the future—all of it and more is just waiting for you to type the word in the search engine and hit, “Enter.”
But even before the internet, humanity found itself surrounded by countless ways we could spend our time and energy. Countless ways we could use our eyes and ears.
Several hundred years before Jesus’ birth, God’s people had taken their spiritual search engines and hit “Enter” on all kinds of things—things that seemed important, that promised pleasure, happiness, purpose, and fulfillment. But they were wrong. They were wrong because all their searches were at the expense of spending time in the presence of their Lord and Savior.
And so, God called them to repentance. “Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land,” he said. He called upon them to acknowledge their sinful, wandering ways and look to him once again.
Many times, you and I have wandered in the same way. We searched the wrong places. We sought out the wrong people. And in doing so, we drifted from the Lord—the only one who gives us lasting peace, life, and joy.
But God still pursues us and calls us to repentance. And through faith in the Christ Child who has washed us clean at the cross—all is forgiven. And we are his.
Lord, I come to you in repentance. Forgive my foolish searches. Embrace me in your grace. Cleanse me in your blood. I am yours. Amen.