Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”
John 4:6,7
He knows our thirst.
Devotion based on John 4:6,7
See series: Devotions
Can God truly know what I’m feeling? Is God in tune with what is going on in our world? Maybe at times, we’ve misunderstood God as a distant deity disconnected from the average human’s experience. But Jesus steps into human history, and he shatters that false assumption.
Maybe it seems like a minute detail in the true story told in John chapter 4—Jesus was tired. He asked for a drink of water. Jesus understood being physically tired, worn out, and thirsty because he experienced it all. Even more, he understood being worn out and thirsty on a deeper, spiritual level.
As true God, Jesus knows us intimately. But to prove he’s not a distant God, he became a real man with flesh and blood to experience pain and thirst and even temptation—yet he never sinned. But he still thirsted.
Jesus sat down by a well, thirsty and tired from his journey, and there he encountered a woman thirsty and tired in more ways than one. And God himself asked her for a drink of water. How ordinary and disarming is God’s approach! And in this way, he shows his extraordinary love for every human being.
By the well, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” On the cross, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” He was literally thirsty, but on the cross, he suffered the agony of God’s crushing punishment, and it parched his very being. He thirsted for relief from his Father in heaven. He knows what we’re going through, and he did something about it! Jesus’ rest beside the well and visit with that woman was a pitstop along the way to his cross, where he would experience something that he wanted no other human to experience—punishment for sin. From his wounds flowed forgiveness and peace for every thirsting soul.
Lord, thank you for approaching me in gentleness and love and with your almighty power to rescue me from sin’s curse. Amen