In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.
1 Peter 1:3,4
A Guaranteed Inheritance
Devotion based on 1 Peter 1:3,4
See series: Devotions
Perhaps you’ve been named in someone’s will. That will says that, if that person dies, you will be given this amount of money or that piece of property or these personal possessions.
But being named in the will doesn’t mean that you will receive those things. The money might all have to pay for medical bills or the funeral. The property might burn down or have to be given to the bank to pay for debts. The personal possessions might break, wear out, or be lost before you ever receive them. A will does not guarantee an inheritance.
But the resurrection of Jesus does. That’s because the inheritance Jesus has prepared for you doesn’t consist of dollars and cents. It won’t wear out, break, or lose its luster. It won’t be stolen or squandered before you receive it. It can’t be reduced with estate taxes or stored in a safe deposit box. In fact, it isn’t even stored on earth. It is stored in God’s eternal storehouses in heaven, where there is no destruction, decay, or theft.
The inheritance guaranteed by Jesus’ resurrection is the riches of a God who owns all things. It’s the joy of an eternity in his presence, surrounded by his love, separated from all the things that bring us pain, sadness, and death.
Jesus’ resurrection is proof that God can and will do exactly what he has promised. It is the signature on the bottom of the will that guarantees that our inheritance is safely stored for us in heaven, just waiting for us to enjoy after our death on this earth or after Jesus returns on the Last Day.
Because Jesus lives, this unfading inheritance is guaranteed for all who trust in Jesus, whose death and life takes away guilt, forgives sins, and wins eternal life.
Jesus, because you live, I have proof that an eternal inheritance is mine. Thank you for guarding that inheritance for me and for guarding me, while I wait to receive it. Amen.