[Jesus said] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”
John 14:1,2
Jesus Is the Way for You
Devotion based on John 14:1,2
See series: Devotions
How comforting are these words of Jesus promising that our time standing by gravesides and crying at funerals, grieving over the sin in our own hearts, and groaning along with all creation over the universal brokenness caused by sin will one day entirely end. In his Father’s house are many rooms, and not one of them will have the scent of death. There will be no reasons for crying in any one of them, and all of them will be eternally far away from the feelings of pain that come from living on an earth that will never be heaven.
As Jesus reminds us of these wonderful truths; he tells us to do something very important. He tells us to trust him when he says that he has prepared it all especially for you. It was such an important truth for Jesus to share that he said it again later that night in a different way.
This is the same evening Jesus instituted Holy Communion; during which he said, “Take and eat; this is my body, given for you.” “Take and drink, this is my blood, shed for you.”
That night, he was reminding us that we get to come to Jesus just as we are. Not some version of who you want to be. Not some picture of who you think you used to be. Not you on your best day. Just you, exactly as you are today, with all of your sins—past sins, future sins, open sins, secret sins, accidental sins, willful sins, and awful sins; sins you saw coming and sins you didn’t realize you committed until you saw the damage they had done—entirely forgiven.
Jesus is our way to peace because his life has always been entirely focused on you.
Gracious Savior, you lived and died that each soul could find the peace of forgiveness. Thank you that this gift it mine to enjoy for eternity. Amen.