Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:11,12
Jesus the Cornerstone
Devotion based on Acts 4:11,12
See series: Devotions
A cornerstone plays a vital role in the construction of a building. It is the first stone or brick placed on a corner where two walls meet. The cornerstone must be perfectly level and straight because it serves as a guide for where the rest of the stones or bricks will be placed. If the cornerstone is imperfect or unlevel, even slightly, the completed building is likely to be unstable. The quality of the cornerstone is important, and not just with buildings.
The apostle Peter quoted Psalm 118 when he referred to Jesus as the cornerstone. It is a fitting title for Jesus as he and his Word, like a cornerstone, serve as a perfectly reliable guide for our lives. We are wise to live our lives in line with the perfect instruction we find in God’s law, and we have all suffered to varying degrees the consequences of what happens when we don’t.
“Cornerstone” is a fitting title for Jesus for another reason. If Jesus were imperfect, even slightly, his death on the cross would not have been accepted as a sacrifice on our behalf. But Jesus was perfect and without sin, giving stability to our souls as we build our lives on the certainty of forgiveness won by him.
Those who crucified Jesus rejected the cornerstone. Let us never fail to embrace him by faith.
Lord God, help me to guide my life according to your Word and ground my faith on all that was accomplished for me by Jesus, the cornerstone of my soul. Amen.