In your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
1 Peter 3:15
The Nail
Devotion based on 1 Peter 3:15
See series: Devotions
Author Dale Hays tells of a Haitian pastor who once used an illustration that Hays will never forget. The pastor said that a man in Haiti wanted to sell his house for $2,000. A buyer stepped forward. He wanted to purchase the house but was unable to pay the full price. The seller came up with a curious arrangement. He would sell the house at half-price with one provision. The provision was that he, the seller, would retain ownership of one small nail protruding from the house’s doorway. The buyer agreed.
Time passed, and one day the former owner of the house showed up and announced that he would like to buy his house back. The new owner refused. With that, the former owner noted the one part of the house he still owned—the small nail sticking out of the doorway. He then dragged up to the house the carcass of a dog and hung it on his nail. Before long, the stench became so bad that the new owner and his family had to abandon the house and leave it to the former owner.
The story is a good illustration of what can happen when a person holds on to a particular sin—just a corner of their life where they don’t want God to interfere. But there is a danger to this idea. The devil sees an opportunity and will want to hang further temptations on this nail and ruin your entire spiritual life.
Think for a moment. Is there a nail in your life? If so, confess it to God. Turn to him for the forgiveness Jesus won on the cross. Then, commit your entire life to serving him. No more nails involved.
Lord Jesus, forgive me the times I have withheld a part of my life from you. Wash me clean in your blood. I am yours. Amen.