No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:3
Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 12:3
See series: Devotions
Miracles are taking place all around us. True miracles. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look.
Iran: The man had been a member of the Taliban. His role had been an executioner—putting to death those who did not agree with his religion. But then came the sleepless nights. He was troubled and restless. Then he heard about Jesus. Over time, he came to trust in Christ as his Savior. The sleepless nights are gone.
Afghanistan: In growing numbers, the young wish to learn more about Jesus. For example, a phone call came into a Christian broadcast center. It was from an apartment where 25 young men had secretly gathered because they wanted to learn more about the gospel.
China: Even after decades of persecution, house churches of Christians are multiplying. According to one estimate, there are now one hundred times more Christians in China than in 1949.
South America: In some of the darkest, most remote regions of the Amazon rainforest, souls are coming to faith in Jesus as their Savior. They are finding their peace in Christ, turning their backs on the old superstitions.
United States: Even in a country where secularism seems to be the trend, souls from New York to LA are still leaving behind their old lives centered on materialism and self-gratification. Burned out by living for status and money, people are still discovering true purpose and meaning and joy in Jesus Christ and the sure promises of his Word.
The apostle Paul points to the source of these miracles. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. It is God the Holy Spirit alone who is responsible for bringing lost souls to faith. And Paul should know. As a former persecutor of Christians, Paul knew he had come to faith in Jesus solely through the work of the Holy Spirit.
And the miracles continue—person by person, soul by soul. God the Holy Spirit uses his gospel message to draw individuals to Christ, to trust in Jesus as the One who died for their sins and arose from death. And on it will go, until the Lord calls us home.
Holy Spirit, thank you for working miracles through your Word and sacrament. Thank you. Amen.