For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure is near.
2 Timothy 4:6
Pour One Out
Devotion based on 2 Timothy 4:6
See series: Devotions
Do you know what it means to “pour one out”? It is not uncommon for people to pour out all or part of their drink in remembrance of someone. It’s done to memorialize a friend or family member who has passed away. Perhaps you’ve poured out a drink for a family member or friend.
The act of pouring out a drink is not a new concept. God commanded the Israelites to pour out a drink offering twice a day as part of their daily sacrifices. Those daily drink offerings always accompanied another sacrifice, the sacrifice of a lamb.
Near the end of his life, the apostle Paul described himself as being poured out like a drink offering. Paul knew that he would soon be martyred. His reference to the drink offering means that Paul viewed his death as an offering to God. He was willing to sacrifice his life for the preaching of the gospel, the good news of sins forgiven in Jesus.
Like those Old Testament drink offerings, Paul’s life being poured out accompanied another sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus. Paul’s motivation to live his life as a sacrifice didn’t stand alone to impress God, but out of faith and thanksgiving for the sacrifice God had made for him.
On the cross, Jesus drank the cup of God’s wrath. That cup was filled with the sins of the world, and Jesus drank it down to the dregs, paying for everyone’s sins. That’s what motivated Paul to pour out his life like a drink offering.
Western culture pours one out to remember someone. Paul poured out his life as a sacrifice to God. It’s not hard to pour out a drink in remembrance of someone; it’s another thing entirely to pour out your life out of thanks for what God has done for you. God doesn’t call all of us to be martyrs like he did Paul. But God does call us to love him with all our heart, mind, and soul. In that way, we pour out our lives to the one who gave his life for us.
Dear Jesus, thank you for giving your life for me. Help me live my life for you. Amen.