Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:1,2
Rest From the World
Devotion based on Psalm 62:1,2
See series: Devotions
What is it that makes you feel shaken? What recent events have filled your heart with worry? What happened to you to cause you to live your life in fear? Maybe your twenty-four seven consumption of news has you wringing your hands over the state of the world. Perhaps recent health issues with no answers have left you wondering whether or not it is going to be okay. It could be that a tragedy in your life has left your faith so shaken that you have been seriously questioning whether God really does love you the way everyone says he does.
We need rest from the challenges of this world, and there is only one place to find such rest. This kind of rest can only be found in God. Only with God can we find salvation.
You were not the only one to notice the chaos of this world. God saw it too. He saw a world wrecked by sin and wanting to spin out of his control. God saw it, and he was moved to act. He sent his Son, Jesus, into this world to live and die in our place so that sin would no longer have control over us. And in rising from the dead, Jesus showed his complete control over sin and death. Thanks to Jesus, we are forgiven and saved.
The good news is that the God who saved us, is also in control of everything in this world. All of the things that cause us to worry and leave us shaken in our faith are all things that fall under the control of our God. Nothing happens without his knowledge. Knowing his love that saved us in Jesus, we can now rest secure in his loving care. With God as our rock and fortress—we will never be shaken!
Dear Jesus, you are my rock. You are my fortress. No matter what happens today, help me to trust in your love and never be shaken. Amen.