The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14
Rest From Managing Others
Devotion based on Exodus 33:14
See series: Devotions
I cannot begin to imagine how stressful life was for Moses. He was 80 years old and had never run a small business before, much less lead an entire nation. And here he was leading more than a million people out of Egypt and across the wilderness to the promised land of Israel—all on foot. Along the way, he was in charge of their civil life, gave orders to the military, oversaw the regulations regarding worship, and heard civil cases brought before him. He not only bore his own weights, fears, and worries, but also those of an entire nation of people. It is often said that the presidency ages the man in the office. I have to imagine that Moses’ time as leader wore him out to an even greater extent.
Thankfully, he wasn’t alone. God went with him. God spoke to him and reassured him again and again. He reminded him of his presence. He promised to be with him and to give him rest. This promise of rest meant that Moses could let his guard down. He could trust God and rest secure, knowing God would never leave him. God would never sleep on the job or let his guard down.
The same is true for you. In fact, you could say it is even better. God is present with you through Jesus and his Word. Jesus has given you wonderful promises of forgiveness, to save and help you, and to be with you always.
Through faith in Jesus, you have the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal rest in heaven. Whatever challenges you face, like Moses, you can rest secure knowing that God is in control and that Jesus is with you always.
Dear Jesus, help me to find rest in you. As I go about my tasks today, help me know that you are with me and will watch over me. Amen.