Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Matthew 14:29,30
Walking on Water
Devotion based on Matthew 14:29,30
See series: Devotions
We know that we cannot normally walk on water. When we use the expression today, we mean that someone is performing at a level far above what is expected or thought possible. But to actually walk on water—that is beyond the performance level of you or me, ever.
In the incident related in Matthew chapter 14, the apostle Peter actually got out of the boat and walked on the water. It wasn’t because of his ability. It was because of Jesus’ power. But it did not last. Peter was distracted by what he saw around him, and he forgot the power of the Lord.
Jesus giving Peter the ability to walk on water was certainly marvelous—in fact, miraculous. But think what he has given us. Jesus has given us eternity with him in heaven. We had lost that possibility because of our sins against him. God demanded perfection, not the breaking of his commands, for us to be permitted into heaven. But once we had sinned, that was no longer possible. So, God sent Jesus to become a human like us, to keep all of God’s commands perfectly in our place. He died and rose again to show his power over Satan and his evil empire, the source of sin.
Peter cried out, “Lord, save me!” when he became fearful. God anticipated the fear that we would feel by being separated from Him eternally. God loved us and planned our salvation. He sent his Son. Jesus saved us from that fear. His salvation will last!
Thank you, Jesus, for saving me from drowning in my sins as I deserve. Increase my faith in you, my only hope for heaven. Amen.