But we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
Romans 8:23
The Groan of the Christian
Devotion based on Romans 8:23
See series: Devotions
It’s the beginning of another workday. Your alarm goes off. You hit the snooze button as many times as you dare. Finally, you pull back the covers, swing your feet to the floor, and sit there for just a moment.
Then it comes—the groan. Perhaps it’s audible, or perhaps, it stays inside you, but nevertheless, the groan is there. It can come for a number of reasons. Perhaps there’s an unpleasant task waiting for you that day, or a string of challenging days is starting to catch up to you. Maybe it comes from the unending grind of living with difficulties that are not going away.
Two things about that groan you have in the morning. One you already know. You already know that people worldwide groan that same groan sooner or later. That’s part of living in a fallen, broken creation. But here’s something you may not know. Even the groan you groan as a Christian is radically different from the groans that come from the rest of the world.
You and I groan under the burdens of work, stress, money, sadness, and uncertainty like everyone else. However, in the groan of the Christian, there is also the groan of anticipation, the groan of eagerly looking to that day when all the things that weigh us down will go away forever.
And they will go away! Because the day will come when the Lord Jesus will command it. Just as his blood has washed away our every sin, so also he will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain.
So, when your alarm goes off, go ahead and groan. Just remember. Your groan as a Christian is also a quiet expression of confidence that, because of Jesus, unspeakable joy is on its way. And you can hardly wait.
Heavenly Father, when I groan under the burdens of life, remind me by your Spirit that, in Jesus, I also look forward to victories and joys beyond my imagination. Amen.