Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said. “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’”
Matthew 21:37,38
It Makes No Sense
Devotion based on Matthew 21:37,38
See series: Devotions
Jesus’ story about a landowner who planted a vineyard and rented it to some farmers took a surprising turn. The renters had refused to pay their rent. So, the owner sent his son to collect. He assumed they would respect the son enough to pay what they owed. Instead, they killed him.
It seems far-fetched, doesn’t it? Yet, whenever you and I refuse to listen to God’s son, Jesus, it is just as strange. Why would we refuse to listen to the son of the God who created us and provides for us? It makes no sense.
Even more remarkable is that God continues to love and forgive us for the times we don’t listen to his son. In fact, it is because of what his son, Jesus, did that he forgives us. Instead of punishing us for our sins, God sent his son to be punished in our place on the cross so that we could be forgiven. It seems far-fetched, doesn’t it? It makes no sense.
But we can be thankful God did what he did. We can be thankful his son was willing to do what he did. And we can spend our lives listening to God’s son and using our lives to thank him. It’s the only thing that makes sense!
Dear God, help me live my life in thanksgiving for what you did to save me from my sins. Amen.