So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!”
Daniel 6:16
Our True King
Devotion based on Daniel 6:16
See series: Devotions
The king knew he had made a mistake. He had allowed his ego and pride to get the best of him. And he had walked right into a trap. Daniel’s enemies had convinced him to pass a decree that said, “Pray only to the king for thirty days or face the lions.” And now his best government official, Daniel, would be thrown into the lions’ den.
The king tried to figure out a way to rescue Daniel. He worked till sunset, looking for a loophole. But the law was ironclad. Daniel had prayed to the true God as he always did, not to a human king. Daniel would now have to face the consequences of the king’s vanity.
The king had done everything he could to stop this except for one thing. The king didn’t offer to go in Daniel’s place and be his substitute.
Thankfully, our King, Jesus, was willing to be our substitute. Though he did no wrong, he offered to go to death in our place. Jesus did this so that all who trust in him would not be separated from God but live with him for eternity. What a wonderful King we have!
Dear Jesus, you are my true King. Thank you for doing everything to save me. Help me to give you the worship and praise you deserve. Amen.