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Wisdom’s Warm Invitation – August 18, 2024

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. She has sent out her servants, and she calls from the highest point of the city, “Let all who are simple come to my house!” To those who have no sense she says. “Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed. Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.”
Proverbs 9:1-6

Wisdom’s Warm Invitation

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Daily Devotion – August 18, 2024

Devotion based on Proverbs 9:1-6

See series: Devotions

What is the wisest piece of advice anyone has ever passed along to you? Did you follow it? Were you blessed by it? The first nine chapters of the book we know as Proverbs are a warm invitation to obtain wisdom and then to live wisely. In Proverbs chapter 4, we are told that “wisdom is supreme.”

True wisdom is a wonderful thing. You can drink deeply of it, dwell in it, pass it along, and give it away freely without worrying that you will run out. Perhaps most wonderful of all, the Proverbs tell us that wisdom is ours for the taking. “Come,” wisdom calls out; “eat…and drink.”

It is like ordering the best meal at the finest restaurant and finding out that it comes “all you can eat” at no charge. The wisdom of God found in his Word is there for the taking. There is such a thing as a free meal, and there is an exception to the rule that says, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” The Word of God is food for the soul, and at the center of that Word is Jesus, the Bread of Life.

That we sinners can be freed from sin and enjoy a place at the banquet feast of heaven sounds too good to be true. But it is true! When we “walk in the way of understanding,” knowing and believing that Jesus lived his life to give us life and died his death to release us from death’s grip, then we are feasting on the wisdom that grants eternal life.

Lord God, turn my heart and mind daily to the wisdom that comes from you. Lead me to feast on the Word that gives eternal life. Bring me to Jesus, the Bread of Life, so that I live now and forever with you. Amen.

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