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As Promised – August 26, 2024

Each morning everyone gathered as much [manna] as they needed, and when the sun grew hot, it melted away.
Exodus 16:21

As Promised

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Daily Devotion – August 26, 2024

Devotion based on Exodus 16:21

See series: Devotions

In the early days of World War I, German forces captured a British officer by the name of Robert Campbell. Soon, Campbell entered a POW camp, deep in enemy territory. Two years later, Campbell received word that his mother was dying of cancer back home in England. Thinking he had nothing to lose, Campbell wrote a letter directly to the Kaiser, head of the German Empire. He requested permission to go home and see his dying mother. To Campbell’s great surprise, the Kaiser granted his request, on one condition—that Campbell would give his word to return to the POW camp after seeing his mother.

Campbell kept his word. He traveled to England. He spent a week with his mother. Then he went back to Germany. Throughout this time, he was not under guard; he was not under coercion. But he had given his word. And so he returned. As promised.

About 1,400 years before the birth of Jesus, God’s people found themselves wandering through a stark, barren wilderness; a place devoid of food. But the Lord gave them his word that, every morning, he would provide them with a special kind of food— “manna,” they called it. The manna they received was enough to sustain them for that day. Then, the next morning, the Lord provided for them again. And on it went; for 40 years. Every morning the Lord kept his word. As promised.

The same Lord has given his word to you and me. He has given his word never to leave or forsake us. He has given his word to carry us through every difficult moment and sustain us with what we need. He has given his word to guide all things for our good. And all this he has sealed in the blood of his Son—the same blood that has washed our every sin away.

And so he will keep his word. He will never leave or forsake us. He will carry us through every difficult moment and sustain us with what we need. He will guide all things for our good. As promised.

Heavenly Father, thank you for keeping your promises. Refresh my trust in you. Amen.

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