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A Heart That Remembers – September 6, 2024

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Deuteronomy 4:9

A Heart That Remembers

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Daily Devotion – September 6, 2024

Devotion based on Deuteronomy 4:9

See series: Devotions

“Don’t forget!” A child needs to be reminded to do his chores because he easily forgets. But he doesn’t forget that his parents promised to buy him a treat next time the ice cream truck comes by. We’re more eager to remember the things we want and quicker to forget things that seem like chores.

God was telling his people not to forget what their eyes have seen and not let them fade from their hearts. What had they seen? They had seen God rescue them from Egypt, and he was about to bring them into the Promised Land. Don’t forget! And don’t just know it; take it to heart! Years later, God would deliver us and all people in a greater way. He sent his Son, Jesus, to save us and the world from sin. Though we did not see Jesus die in our place and though we did not see his empty tomb as a sign of a promise kept, God grants us faith to know and believe that he did! He makes those blessings of salvation personally ours in baptism—what Jesus did, he did for you!

Don’t forget! Don’t forget how much your Savior loves you. Don’t forget all that he’s done for you. Don’t forget his Word that guides you through life. Don’t forget. How could we? When we grow to love and depend on something so vital, how could we forget. The more we listen to our Savior’s words, the more we appreciate what he has done. It’s not a chore. It’s a relief! We remember and take to heart Jesus and his Word. The Spirit is at work in the Word to give us a heart that truly remembers and personally takes to heart all that our Savior has done. God grants us hearts to cling to his promises as we walk through this life on our way to heaven, the Promised Land.

Lord, strengthen my faith to remember and take to heart all that you have done and equip me to teach the next generation. Amen.

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