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Stand Firm With the Helmet of Salvation – September 20, 2024

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:17

Stand Firm With the Helmet of Salvation

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Daily Devotion – September 20, 2024

Devotion based on Ephesians 6:17

See series: Devotions

When I grew up, my parents would give the children in my family an Easter basket filled with candy. Except, my brother and I didn’t receive woven baskets. Our candy-holder was a souvenir baseball helmet. Every year, a new team was represented. We loved those helmets. When we’d play baseball in the backyard, the batter wouldn’t go without one. I don’t think those souvenir helmets would have saved us from a 90-mph fastball to the head, but it impressed upon us the necessity of keeping your head safe. Lose a limb, and you can live. Lose your head, and you’re dead.

One of the targets for the devil’s schemes is our head. Not only does he fill it with doubts, but he also twists some of God’s cerebral blessings against us. Think of how much the gift of reason often combats the truths of the Bible. For example, it doesn’t make sense that God is three distinct persons and yet only one God. It doesn’t make sense that God is eternal. My mind can’t conceive of someone who is timeless. It doesn’t make sense that a virgin could become pregnant. And the list continues.

When reason and Scripture are at odds, the devil tries to let reason win. But if everything that God is and everything that God does makes sense to our human reason, is he much of a God at all? I don’t want a God who makes sense. I want a God who’s greater than my mind. And that’s the God we have. We have a God who took on flesh so that he could die. We have a God who turned his back on his Son on the cross so that he could welcome us into heaven. We have a God who plants faith in our hearts when he attaches his Word to a little water poured over our heads. We have a God who didn’t wipe this earth clean when we rebelled, rather, we have a God who carried out a plan of salvation on our behalf. And it’s that salvation, that helmet of salvation, that allows us to stand firm against the devil’s schemes.

Lord, when I am tempted to lean on my reason, increase my trust in you and your Word. Amen.

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