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The Servant of All – September 26, 2024

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”
Mark 9:35

The Servant of All

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Daily Devotion – September 26, 2024

Devotion based on Mark 9:35

See series: Devotions

Occasionally, as I’m standing in line at the gas station or grocery store, the lottery lights catch my eye. And when I see the potential payout climb to hundreds of millions of dollars, it makes me think: what would I do if I had all of that? I picture eating steak and lobster in my mansion, cruising around the Mediterranean Sea, or relaxing on the beaches of Hawaii. If I’m honest, I see a life of luxury.

If you had money, power, and connections, wouldn’t you want “the good life” too? Wouldn’t you just want to relax and take life easy? Isn’t that what so many are striving and struggling for—a life a little bit easier and more bearable?

When the disciples saw the power and fame of Jesus, they, too, thought that because of their connections to Jesus, their lives were about to get a lot easier. No longer would they be nobodies! People would know who they were! Perhaps they could quit their jobs, put their feet up, and enjoy a life of ease and luxury.

But Jesus shatters those delusions because that’s not what the life of being his follower looks like, and that’s not what Jesus came to do.

Jesus had a life of luxury, which so many dream of. He sat on heaven’s throne, ruling and reigning over all creation. But his love for mankind compelled him to take on flesh and endure the suffering and punishment for humanity’s sins. He came to serve us with himself so that life in the perfect paradise of heaven wouldn’t be just some daydream but a soon-to-be reality.

So, what are we to do as his children? We serve. We serve our neighbor. We serve with our talents, time, and treasures so that we can have the opportunity to witness to others about the sacrificial love of the Savior. May God bless us as we serve our neighbor and, in so doing, serve him!

Dear Jesus, thank you serving as my Savior. Move my heart to serve my neighbor and bless my efforts to serve you in your kingdom. Amen.

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