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Better Together – October 7, 2024

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Genesis 2:18

Better Together

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Daily Devotion – October 7, 2024

Devotion based on Genesis 2:18

See series: Devotions

The high school dropout rate in parts of Appalachia during the 1980s was regularly as high as 35 percent. To help decrease that rate Tennessee’s own Dolly Parton began a program where she would give each graduating senior $500.

There was a catch. Students were paired with a buddy, and if either one of the pair did not graduate, neither would receive the money. This buddy system had the intended effect, and through encouragement and accountability, the dropout rate went from 35 percent to 6 percent in just a few years. This buddy system became one of the most successful and speedy educational success stories in the entire country.

After God created the first man he said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”

There are many ways in which God brings people together, so they are not alone. It was part of God’s good design that we have others for encouragement and accountability. He knew that we would see more blessings through this encouragement and accountability than if we were alone. The joyful times would be more joyful, and the sad times would be less sad if we had others to share life with. This can be close friends and neighbors, or it can be family of all types.

God’s answer to Adam’s aloneness in Genesis chapter 2 was to give him his wife, Eve, and to institute marriage. In marriage, we are paired with someone “until death do us part.” Marriage gives us a special avenue to bring accountability and encouragement to our lives. God gives the blessings of togetherness and faithfulness, intimacy and support, children, and stability through his gift of marriage. More than any other human relationship, marriage provides a closeness to another and blessings and opportunities to serve.

It is not good for us to be alone, so God gave us one another so that things would be better together.

Lord, whether we are married or single, part of a large family or small, remind us that we are better together. Strengthen all relationships so that we may encourage one another and be accountable to one another on the way that leads to eternal life. Amen.

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