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Weakness – February 20, 2025

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10


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Daily Devotion – February 20, 2025

Devotion based on 2 Corinthians 12:10

See series: Devotions

Weakness in our world is not appreciated. In fact, weakness is often squashed wherever it is found. As a society, we seek to eliminate weakness. As a result, high school athletes are cut from the team. People of faith are ridiculed for their supposed lack of intelligence. Individuals with mental health issues are shunned. Students who seem defenseless are bullied by classmates. We see individuals suffering, and while we pity them, we are secretly thankful that we are not in their shoes. For these and so many other reasons, we try to hide our weaknesses and troubles.

So how is it then that the apostle Paul (or you and I) could delight in our own weaknesses? It is all a matter of how you look at it. Paul viewed his weaknesses and shortcomings as opportunities to highlight the power of Christ in his life. He also understood that challenges and trials were moments when he could tap into Christ’s power, knowing that Christ’s strength was far better than his own.

Jesus’ strength went to work for us long ago. Before he came into this world, Jesus saw us in our sinful human weakness. He knew that we did not match up to him. We were not on his level. But rather than ridicule, eliminate, or bully us, he was resolved to help us. Rather than feel sorry for us and pity us from afar, God used his power to save us. He sent Jesus into this sinful world to take up our sins. To live a perfect life for us and to die an innocent death in our place. Jesus then demonstrated his power and strength by rising from the dead.

Jesus now seeks to use his power in us. And what better way to display that amazing power, than to rely on his strength instead of our own? Rather than hide your weaknesses, rely on Christ, and his power will shine out in your life.

Dear Jesus, lead me to trust in you and rely on your strength today and every day. Amen.

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