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The Golden Rule – February 26, 2025

[Jesus said] “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Luke 6:31

The Golden Rule

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Daily Devotion – February 26, 2025

Devotion based on Luke 6:31

See series: Devotions

It’s known as the “Golden Rule” because it’s supposed to be the standard to live by. But it’s amazing how often we misread or misapply the words of Jesus. The Golden Rule isn’t meant to be a compromise, “I’ll do this if you do that.” It’s not a reciprocal response to someone else’s actions. Rather, it’s proactive, “Do to others…” In other words, we are to make the first move. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

Taking the first step is not an easy thing. When we’re the new kid in the class or the new neighbor on the block, it’s easy to expect people to welcome us. But instead of waiting to be welcomed, the Golden Rule leads us to reach out to our neighbors and see how we can help them.

But it’s so hard to take the first step! Yes, it is. But aren’t we grateful that’s what God did for us! When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, it was God who made the first move as he promised to send a Savior. When we were born in sin, it was God who made the first move, as he called us by the gospel. It was God who made the first move in having a relationship with us as he foreknew from all eternity. Knowing that God made the first move in showing us his love, may now lead us to make the first move to “do to others as we would have them do to us.”

Lord, help us to see that the Golden Rule is not a response to what others have done for us, but rather an opportunity to show love to others as you have done to us. Amen.

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