He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.
Genesis 3:15
Devotion based on Genesis 3:15
See series: Devotions
Satan was victorious. Can you picture him strutting around the Garden of Eden with his hands held high over his head in victory? He had gone up against the world’s only two perfect people, and he had come out victorious. And it sure had not taken long! Satan, quite quickly it seems, had successfully led Adam and Eve away from God and into sin, and he has been winning battles ever since.
It happens all too often in your life and mine. Sometimes before we even know it, and often without much of a fight, the devil defeats us with a quick temptation, and there he stands, gloating in victory over us. Maybe it happens when we are scrolling social media, and he tempts us to click on some inappropriate content. Maybe, it happens after a long day, and conversation is strained, and he tempts us to lash out with our temper. Maybe, it happens when we are at work, and no one is looking, and he tempts us to steal from our employer.
However, it happens Satan has defeated us more times than we care to admit. And because of our dismal record in fighting against his temptations, we were doomed for all eternity. Truthfully, one sin is all it took for us to be worthy of God’s punishment.
But God did something unexpected. He made a promise. Right as Satan was on his victory lap in the Garden of Eden, God promised to send someone to crush this seemingly unstoppable enemy. And he indicated it would not be a close contest. This One to come would CRUSH Satan’s head.
The wonderful news is that God has kept his promise. Jesus came and defeated Satan through his life, death, and resurrection. Just as God promised, Christ came and went toe-to-toe with Satan and has forever crushed him. Better yet, Jesus has given you the victory! In Jesus, we are forgiven and saved, and heaven is our home. And Satan will not be able to harm us for all eternity. Praise be to God for his victory over Satan!
Dear Father in heaven, thank you for sending Jesus to crush my enemy. Thank you for the eternal victory you have given me. Help me always to look to Jesus in times of temptation. Amen.