Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22,23
New Every Morning
Devotion based on Lamentations 3:22,23
See series: Devotions
If you live in a place where there is freedom, you can probably tell the story of the sacrifices people made to secure that freedom. It’s satisfying to celebrate what those people did, and it’s appropriate to be grateful for them.
No matter where you live, the Lord has secured a certain kind of freedom for you. By rising from the dead, Jesus proved his power over death and his ability to give you eternal life. You don’t have to be consumed by a fear of death. You can live a satisfying life in that freedom.
Because Jesus has forgiven your sins, you don’t have to be consumed by a fear of going to hell because of something you have done. Jesus has suffered hell in your place and taken the punishment for your sins. You can live a peaceful life in that freedom.
Those freedoms earned by the Lord for us are a big deal, and it’s appropriate to be grateful for them. But the Lord is not done acting on your behalf. He still loves you and has compassion for you. He knows how easy it is to slip back into fear, almost as if the freedoms don’t exist, and he wants to reassure you that he is still here for you, every minute of every day. He will continue to be faithful to his promises of freedom, no matter how you are feeling or what you have done.
In fact, he says that his compassions are brand new every morning.
Great is your faithfulness, O Lord! Thank you. Amen.