“Let all who are simple come to my house!”
Proverbs 9:4
A Feast for Fools
Devotion based on Proverbs 9:4
See series: Devotions
The world’s greatest chefs have prepared the finest of foods and the best wines. The banquet hall has been adorned in beautiful lights, exotic flowers, and fine linens. World-renowned musicians have tuned their instruments, honed their skills, and taken their seats inside. Outside, a red carpet waits to welcome the guests.
This is not a wedding for earthly royalty, a party for Hollywood celebrities, or a political fundraiser. The guests at this banquet are not the rich and famous, the important and influential. To get into this party, it’s not a matter of how much you have or whom you know.
Listen to the invitation: “[Wisdom] has sent out her servants, and she calls from the highest point of the city. ‘Let all who are simple come to my house!’ To those who have no sense, she says, ‘Come, eat my food.’”
This banquet is for the simple, the naïve, the foolish, those who look at their lives and realize they don’t have the answers and can’t figure it out for themselves. It is for those with needy hearts, the spiritually bankrupt, those who know that whatever good they might have done is worthless and won’t get them anywhere.
The Bible reveals that, by nature, we are all spiritually helpless and needy. If we don’t love others perfectly and love God more than anything, we can’t win God’s favor or get into heaven. If God doesn’t open our eyes, we are blind to the truth of who we are and how gracious God is.
To us, God extends an invitation. “Come in here. Come, listen to what I say.” As we listen, he feeds us a rich spiritual feast. A feast of forgiveness for all of our wrongs. A feast of love for unlovable sinners. A feast of hope standing firmly on all of the promises of God, including his promise that, because Jesus died in our place, we will live forever and feast with God in heaven one day.
So, come to the feast. Come as you are. Feast on the Bible’s message, in which God speaks to fill you with good things and to bless you forever.
God, thank you for inviting me to feast on your promises. Bless me through your Word until I feast with you in heaven. Amen.