Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:35,36
Devotion based on Matthew 9:35,36
See series: Devotions
Compassion. There often isn’t much of it in our dog-eat-dog world. Survival of the fittest. Win at all costs. Look out only for yourself. Climb the corporate ladder no matter who you have to step on. Show compassion? Ha! That’s for the weak.
But our Bible reading for today tells us that Jesus had compassion on people when he lived in this compassionless world. He healed the sick and injured. Most compassionately of all, he preached and taught the good news of free forgiveness and eternal life to souls burdened by guilt and sin.
You are on the receiving end of God’s compassion. In compassion, God sent his Son in the flesh to save you from the guilt and punishment of your sins. In compassion, God brought you into his family through his Holy Spirit who brought you to faith. In compassion, God daily protects you with his angels and provides for all your needs. In compassion, God hears all your prayers and is preparing a room for you in heaven. In compassion, God is working out everything that happens to you (even the bad and sad) for your eternal good.
God has shown you compassion. With an appreciative heart, go and show others compassion with your words and actions. You can’t heal the sick as Jesus did. But you can help ease someone’s pain. Above all, you can tell a burdened soul about a compassionate and forgiving God.
God, thank you for treating me daily with compassion. Help me to share your compassionate love with others. May they see your compassion and love through me. Amen.