“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”
Revelation 1:7
He is Coming
Devotion based on Revelation 1:7
See series: Devotions
Our younger children love to stand by the window when they know someone is coming and to announce it when they arrive. They are so excited to welcome the guests to our home.
God wants us to be eager and ready for an even more important arrival—the coming of Jesus on the Last Day of the world. Centuries ago, Jesus was taken alive into heaven after he had risen from the dead to rule all things for our good.
One day Jesus will return. And “every eye will see him.” It won’t be a secret. No one is going to miss it. You will see him. I will see him.
Sadly, not everyone will be ready for him when he returns. Not everyone will welcome him. Our verse for today mentions “those who pierced him.” Jesus’ earthly enemies tried to get rid of him by nailing him to a cross. When Jesus comes again, they will see him alive with their own eyes. They will come face-to-face with the reality of their own sin and the judgment they deserve, and they will mourn. For them, that mourning will last forever; the tears of agony and regret and shame will stream down their faces eternally in hell.
In a way, we all pierced Jesus. It was because of our disobedience of God’s law that Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. But we know that he died to forgive that disobedience. We believe the Bible when it tells us that God loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.
When Jesus returns, we will welcome our King, grateful that his grace has removed our guilt and scattered every shadow of shame forever. Set free from sorrow and sin, we will live with our Lord forever in perfect peace and unending joy. What a day that will be! I can’t wait until he arrives!
Jesus, you are coming soon to take me home with you. Lead me to turn from my sins and trust in your forgiveness, so that I am ready to welcome you when you arrive. Amen.