In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.”
Luke 1:42-44
True Joy
Devotion based on Luke 1:42-44
See series: Devotions
What are you excited about this Christmas season? What brings you joy this time of year? Maybe it’s watching your grandkids open their gifts. Perhaps, you are eager to celebrate with family and friends. Maybe, you enjoy curling up with some hot chocolate as you watch your favorite classic Christmas movies.
Then again, maybe you cannot wait for Christmas to be over. Perhaps some hurt or hardship is making all the Christmas cheer sound like nails on a chalkboard for you. Maybe a profound loss in your life has turned this time of year into a terrible reminder of what is no longer in your life. It could be that you would just as soon avoid the whole holiday season.
Whether you are ready to celebrate or just want the season to be over, there is one reason for true joy as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. The baby who was born to Mary was no ordinary baby. John leaped for joy because of what that baby would bring. Our Savior has come into this world and achieved for us what we could never do for ourselves. Jesus brings forgiveness and eternal salvation to all who believe in him. Jesus brings peace with God now and forever. Jesus being born into this world is proof that God keeps his promises. It is proof that God cares. Because Jesus came down to earth for you and me, we have a sure and certain future in a place without pain or sin, or loss of any kind.
God bless your celebration of our Savior’s birth this Christmas. May this time of year bring you true joy: the joy of knowing your sins are forgiven, and you are God’s child. And if you don’t feel much like celebrating, know that in Christ, you will be part of an eternal celebration in heaven.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for coming here to be my Savior. Help me always to find true joy in the blessings you bring. Amen.