The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
Isaiah 61:1
Good News for the Poor
Devotion based on Isaiah 61:1
See series: Devotions
Why do rich people often have a hard time listening to the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus? One theory is that they think they have everything they need already, so they don’t realize their need for a Savior.
Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah said that he was chosen to proclaim good news to the poor—people who realized that they needed good news! When Jesus began his preaching ministry, he said that those words were written about him. He told people the good news that they were spiritually poor enough to need a Savior and that he was their man.
Jesus is your man too. Whether you live in a mansion or under a bridge, whether what you drive is shiny and new or old and rusted, whether your bank account is full or nearly empty, you were born spiritually poor. So poor, in fact, that you had nothing in your spiritual account. But that is why Jesus came. He came to fill your account with his perfect life. He came to pay your spiritual debt by dying on the cross.
That is good news! It’s the best of news, really. It means you are all paid up with God. It means that through faith in Jesus, you will inherit heaven one day. You who were once poor are now wealthy beyond measure in Jesus.
Dear Jesus, thank you for making me who was poor, rich. Amen.