Looking at his disciples, [Jesus] said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.”
Luke 6:20-23
Blessings Uncovered
Devotion based on Luke 6:20-23
See series: Devotions
In 2017, when Jakhil Jackson was nine years old, his aunt took him to a shelter in the city of Chicago to help feed the homeless, and Jakhil couldn’t believe what he saw—the poverty, sadness, and pain. He looked at his aunt and said, “They don’t even have basic items to start or end their day.” His experience that day compelled him to start putting together what he called “Blessing Bags” bags filled with toothbrushes, socks, soap, deodorant—everyday items a person needs—and handing them out to the homeless. His original goal was to give out 5,000 blessing bags, which is a goal he didn’t meet. He exceeded it. Since 2017, he has put together and given away more than 20,000 blessing bags.
If Jakhil Jackson would walk up to your door today, what would you hope would be in that blessing bag?
Not many would immediately identify the things Jesus did in Luke chapter 6. Not many would say, “I am blessed when I am poor, hungry, sad, hated by others, excluded, insulted, and rejected.” Yet “blessed” is what Jesus says we can consider ourselves when those things happen to us. Why?
Because whatever happens to us on earth–how anyone else treats us, whatever sins we can identify in our own lives—none of that can take away the eternal victory already given to us when Jesus himself was hated, excluded, insulted, rejected, and crucified as our Savior so that we could be forever blessed.
Lord Jesus, you have blessed me forever as my Savior. Help me to see every trial and trouble as things from which you will one day perfectly deliver me. Amen.